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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day #39 Cloth Diapers

I LOVE cloth diapers!!  HOWEVER, my son had a bad reaction to a certain fabric that we tried first. :( So i just kinda stored the diapers for months. Well I finally sold them and with some of the money I bought a new and different kind of diapers.  I only got a couple this time instead of the 30 something I had last time. I decided to do cloth part time (while he is home with me and sposies at the sitter's house). His bum is doing a lot better this time and I think these ones are cuter.
Using cloth diapers is good in many ways: (1.) It's better for the environment.  (2.)You Save money in the long run (It is one big purchase at the beginning compared to buying disposables which are cheaper in small pusrchases but occur more frequently). (3.) Helps children to know when they are wet better and promotes early potty training. (4.) Did I mention it saves money?? (5.) They do not have chemicals in them which make them better for your child's skin. :)
These are the two kinds I've used and liked. Bumgenius were the first ones (that My babe was allergic to) and Rumparooz. I like the RaR's better since they have the "2 gentle internal gussets that channel each leg" like a disposable. What a great idea!!!  Make sure to use the appropriate NO additive and NO brightener diaper soap (I make my own).

Here is where you can find info on the Bumgenius.Here

I bought mine from Cotton Babies.

Here is the info for Rumparooz. Here We liked these the most!! So cute! It's cheaper to buy them in bulk.

Shows the inner gussets

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